Date: Tue, 6 Sep 94 04:30:06 PDT From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #998 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Tue, 6 Sep 94 Volume 94 : Issue 998 Today's Topics: Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 05 September Extra Features of the Kenwood TH-78A Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 5 Sep 1994 21:27:17 MDT From:!swrinde!gatech!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: Daily Summary of Solar Geophysical Activity for 05 September To: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ DAILY SUMMARY OF SOLAR GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITY 05 SEPTEMBER, 1994 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (Based In-Part On SESC Observational Data) SOLAR AND GEOPHYSICAL ACTIVITY INDICES FOR 05 SEPTEMBER, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------- !!BEGIN!! (1.0) S.T.D. Solar Geophysical Data Broadcast for DAY 248, 09/05/94 10.7 FLUX=094 90-AVG=079 SSN=092 BKI=0233 3220 BAI=008 BGND-XRAY=A9.3 FLU1=4.3E+05 FLU10=1.3E+04 PKI=2233 2222 PAI=008 BOU-DEV=004,014,030,024,021,013,011,002 DEV-AVG=014 NT SWF=00:000 XRAY-MAX= C6.0 @ 0539UT XRAY-MIN= A8.3 @ 1107UT XRAY-AVG= B1.9 NEUTN-MAX= +002% @ 0040UT NEUTN-MIN= -003% @ 1505UT NEUTN-AVG= -0.4% PCA-MAX= +0.1DB @ 1425UT PCA-MIN= -0.3DB @ 1645UT PCA-AVG= -0.0DB BOUTF-MAX=55220NT @ 2239UT BOUTF-MIN=55179NT @ 1739UT BOUTF-AVG=55207NT GOES7-MAX=P:+000NT@ 0000UT GOES7-MIN=N:+000NT@ 0000UT G7-AVG=+076,+000,+000 GOES6-MAX=P:+142NT@ 0005UT GOES6-MIN=N:-015NT@ 2233UT G6-AVG=+099,+028,-003 FLUXFCST=STD:092,090,088;SESC:092,090,088 BAI/PAI-FCST=015,020,020/015,018,022 KFCST=2135 5111 2135 5333 27DAY-AP=005,016 27DAY-KP=1210 1223 3232 4443 WARNINGS=*SWF ALERTS=**245STRM:0215-0927UTC !!END-DATA!! NOTE: The Effective Sunspot Number for 04 SEP 94 was 28.6. The Full Kp Indices for 04 SEP 94 are not available. The 3-Hr Ap Indices for 04 SEP 94 are not available. Greater than 2 MeV Electron Fluence for 05 SEP is: 2.5E+06 SYNOPSIS OF ACTIVITY -------------------- Solar activity was low. Region 7773 (S09W05) produced the largest flare, a C6/1F at 05/0538Z. This region has reduced spot area but increased magnetic complexity since yesterday. Region 7776 (S08E23) has been relatively quiet. New Region 7777 (S14W22) was numbered. Solar activity forecast: solar activity is expected to be low. There is still a chance of an isolated M-class flare in Region 7773 or 7776. STD: A 245 MHz radio noise storm was observed from 02:15 UTC to about 09:27 UTC. Another full-disk Yohkoh x-ray image has been appended to this report showing the location of the coronal hole and the relatively strong emissions from Regions 7773 and 7776. The geomagnetic field was quiet to unsettled at most locations. Active to minor storm periods were observed at some high latitude stations. Geophysical activity forecast: the geomagnetic field is expected to be active within the next 48 hours in response to a coronal hole. Event probabilities 06 sep-08 sep Class M 20/20/20 Class X 01/01/01 Proton 01/01/01 PCAF Green Geomagnetic activity probabilities 06 sep-08 sep A. Middle Latitudes Active 20/30/30 Minor Storm 10/20/20 Major-Severe Storm 05/10/10 B. High Latitudes Active 20/30/30 Minor Storm 15/20/20 Major-Severe Storm 05/10/10 HF propagation conditions were normal over all regions. Minor signal degradation is expected to begin perturbing high-latitude paths (particularly transauroral circuits) over the next 2 to 3 days. Conditions may also gradually deteriorate for middle latitude paths, although in general only minor signal degradation is expected. COPIES OF JOINT USAF/NOAA SESC SOLAR GEOPHYSICAL REPORTS ======================================================== REGIONS WITH SUNSPOTS. LOCATIONS VALID AT 05/2400Z SEPTEMBER ------------------------------------------------------------ NMBR LOCATION LO AREA Z LL NN MAG TYPE 7771 N06W30 122 0060 HSX 02 001 ALPHA 7773 S09W05 097 0440 EKI 14 026 BETA-GAMMA 7774 N10E04 088 0030 DRO 07 008 BETA 7776 S08E23 069 0220 CSO 07 003 BETA 7777 S14W22 114 0010 BXO 03 004 BETA 7775 N16E35 057 PLAGE REGIONS DUE TO RETURN 06 SEPTEMBER TO 08 SEPTEMBER NMBR LAT LO 7764 S06 358 LISTING OF SOLAR ENERGETIC EVENTS FOR 05 SEPTEMBER, 1994 -------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN MAX END RGN LOC XRAY OP 245MHZ 10CM SWEEP 0703 0703 0703 150 0924 0927 0927 210 2040 2040 2041 100 POSSIBLE CORONAL MASS EJECTION EVENTS FOR 05 SEPTEMBER, 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN MAX END LOCATION TYPE SIZE DUR II IV NO EVENTS OBSERVED INFERRED CORONAL HOLES. LOCATIONS VALID AT 05/2400Z --------------------------------------------------- ISOLATED HOLES AND POLAR EXTENSIONS EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH CAR TYPE POL AREA OBSN 02 N42E12 N13W27 N28W52 N50E11 105 ISO POS 033 10830A SUMMARY OF FLARE EVENTS FOR THE PREVIOUS UTC DAY ------------------------------------------------ Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn 2695 MHz 8800 MHz 15.4 GHz ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------- --------- --------- 04 Sep: 0117 0117 0120 SF 7773 S09E17 0248 0251 0253 B4.5 0442 0447 0457 B2.9 0558 0605 0616 B6.3 SF 7776 S08E71 0917 0922 0925 B2.6 1358 1402 1407 B1.8 SF 7776 S07E65 2059 2103 2106 B1.4 REGION FLARE STATISTICS FOR THE PREVIOUS UTC DAY ------------------------------------------------ C M X S 1 2 3 4 Total (%) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- ------ Region 7773: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 001 (14.3) Region 7776: 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 002 (28.6) Uncorrellated: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 004 (57.1) Total Events: 007 optical and x-ray. EVENTS WITH SWEEPS AND/OR OPTICAL PHENOMENA FOR THE LAST UTC DAY ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date Begin Max End Xray Op Region Locn Sweeps/Optical Observations ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------ ------ --------------------------- 04 Sep: 0558 0605 0616 B6.3 SF 7776 S08E71 III 2059 2103 2106 B1.4 III NOTES: All times are in Universal Time (UT). Characters preceding begin, max, and end times are defined as: B = Before, U = Uncertain, A = After. All times associated with x-ray flares (ex. flares which produce associated x-ray bursts) refer to the begin, max, and end times of the x-rays. Flares which are not associated with x-ray signatures use the optical observations to determine the begin, max, and end times. Acronyms used to identify sweeps and optical phenomena include: II = Type II Sweep Frequency Event III = Type III Sweep IV = Type IV Sweep V = Type V Sweep Continuum = Continuum Radio Event Loop = Loop Prominence System, Spray = Limb Spray, Surge = Bright Limb Surge, EPL = Eruptive Prominence on the Limb. SPECIAL INSERT: YOHKOH FULL-DISK X-RAY IMAGE -------------------------------------------- 05 September 1994, 05:10 UTC North ......... .. ...,.,,....... ...,,,,:::::,. ....,,,::;;;;;:::,,,,.... ...,,,:::;;::::,,... .,,,,,,,,,,::;;;;;;::,,,,.... .....,,:::;:,.,,.,..... Polar .,,...,,,.,,,,,::;;;:::,,,,.. ..,,,:::;:,,........... Coronal .. ......,,,,,,:,:;;;;::::,... .,,,::::;:,.... ..... .. Hole . .....,,,:::::::;-;;;::,,,.. ..,,:,::;:,........... Extension . ....,,:::,,:,:::----;;::,.. .,,,::;;:,,............ . .....,::::;;;;---;:::,.. ..,:::;;:,,,,........ ...... .. . ,::,,,,,,:;;;;;;--;;;:,,. ...,,:;--::::::,.........,... ..,,::::::;;;;;;--;------;::,, ...,,::;++-;;;--::,;,,,,...,,....... ,:;;;;:;;;;;;;;-----------;;:,, .,,:::;-|+-;-+|21-,,...,,,,,,:;--;:::,...... .:;;-;;--;;----;;-----++-;;::, ,,::;;;-++--+!|++-:,...,:::::+42+;;::,,,,::,::::,..:;;--;;;;;:;;:::;----+--;::, ,::;--+++++++++-;:,,.....,::;|42---;:::::::;:;|!1!-,.,::;;;;:,,,,:,:;;;;--;::,, ,::-++|!+||||+---;,,.,,,,,,,:;;--+||-++++---|++1232!;.,,,,,,,,,,,:,::;;-+--;:,. ,,:;+!121222*3!+--:,,,,,,,,:;--+-+!||!1111|-|!+--++-;:,.,.,,.,,,,,:::;;;+--;:,. .,:-+!233234##2---:,,,.,:::;++--+|!23*#42!|+|!!+;;;;:,,.,,,...,::::;;;;-+--;:,, ..:;+|!!13*@#332-:,,.,,,.,:-++-+-+!@@@@4!43!|||-;:,,....,::.,,:::;;;;;-+--;::,. ,:-++|!24*41!221+:,,:,.,,:;-|+|!24@@#1|+---+++;::,....,:;;,,:::::::;;++-;::,,. .,;+++++!11!||!!+;:,,,,..,,::;-|23442!+--;;;::;,......,:::,,:;;;;;;;+32|-;::,,. .:;-------+++++-;:,,,......,,,:;-++--;;;;-;;;:,,.......,,,::;;;;;;;-!1|-;;::,, .,,:::::;;----;;:,,,,.......,,,,::::::::;;;;:,,,..,,,,,,::;;;:;;;;;----;;::,,.. ....,,::;;;;-;;:::,::,,....,.,,,,,::::::::,,,,....,,:::::::;:::;-+--;;;::,,.. ...,,:::::;;;::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:::,,,,,,,,..,,,,,:::::::;----;;;:::,,.. .......,,::;;;;:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::::::;;----;;:::,,,.. ......,:::;;;;::::,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,::::::::::;;;;;;::::,,.... ........,,,:::::::::::::::,,,::::::;;;;:::::::,,,,,...... ....,,,:::::::::::::,,,,:::::;;;;;:::,,,,,..... .........,,,:,:,,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..... ........... ........... . South KEY: East and west limbs are to the left and right respectively. Emission strength, from minimum to maximum are coded in the following way: [space] . , : ; - + | ! 1 2 3 4 * # @ Units used are arbitrary, for illustrative purposes. Get "" from "pub/solar/Software" at the anonymous FTP site: (IP # to view these images on VGA screens. Remove all but the image data before typing "showasc filename". ** End of Daily Report ** ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 31 Aug 1994 20:29:00 GMT From:!usc!!!!gatech!!dsinc!ub!!! Subject: Extra Features of the Kenwood TH-78A To: ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #998 ******************************